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Flowers In Greenhouse温室的花朵英语作文

作者:佚名     时间:2016-01-15     浏览:219    

        Vigorously and prosperously, a flower is blooming in a greenhouse in spite of the horrible tderstorm outside. Without the shelter, howr, it can hardly survive the heavy weather for n a while. The purpose of the cartoonist is to throw out a hot social issue nowadays  about the negative influence on the doted caring (dote是不及物动词,它的形容词是dotey,你要想表达“溺爱”用它的名词dotage,这句话用了定语从句修饰issue,感觉没有必要) .

        The single child is often over-protected so that he or she, like the delicate plant brought up in a comfort and warm house in the portrayal, is completely separated from the real complicated society (epitomise是“体现”、“象征”的意思,想表达“真实的、复杂的社会”还是用complicated或者complex). Under the circumstance, the stress of  competition and peer pressure would arouse a great many of problems. On the one hand, they may not be able to deal with affairs for their (for后面是要加从句的,而且是用逗号和前面隔开,想表达“归因于”可考虑用owing to the) lack of practical experience. On the other hand, highly-pressed life could also be followed by psychology related defection.(原创作文投稿绿叶鸟网 www. sanwen .com)

        Thus, due attention should be paid to this universal phenomenon. As the old saying goes,"Aersity leads to prosperity." Elder members of the family ought to courage the adolescents to steel themselves instead of being unnecessarily protected.Only in this way can we assure them a brighter ture and a better life.

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