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作者:佚名     时间:2016-01-20     浏览:545    

        Interestingly and amusingly, the portrayal  depicts two football players who  hold a similar unconfident thought on their mind. While the goalkeeper mistook himself for a dwarf so that he  scarcely kept the goal , the attacker supporsed  his opponent as a giant and, accordingly, the attempt to shoot  seems to be unrealistic.
        It is imperative to build faith during the process  of overcoming unable difficulties. For one thing, an acute wisdom to recognise the ability of oneself and estimate it precisely is a certain decidable factor . For another thing, no matter how  tough task a challenger is confronted  should nr be exaggerated, for it  would surely no sense to put pressure on the task-taker  in terms of psychology, leading to negative influences.(绿叶鸟网 www.lvyeniao.cn)
        Examples to prove the view are abundant. The most persuasive one is the case of Bill Gates, the frontier of this modern age, who has ped from school with his sharp awareness of the true thing he was capable to do and ntually bring his dream alive-to become the a pioneer of a brand new era. On the whole, both the senses of intelligence and bravery play the indispensible role to assure a success.

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