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你对奥运会有什么看法英语作文:What do you think of the Olympic Games?

作者:佚名     时间:2016-04-25     浏览:289    

  The Olympic Games consist of the Olympic ,Green Olympics and special Olympics.International Olympic Commi is sponsored by the include a variety of international sports games,held once ry four years.Besides,it is famous for the first place,Olympia.
  The 29th Olympic Game was held in China.AS we aii know,Olympic Game is a sacred activity.So there will be  lot of benefits for being a country to hold the most important sport nt in this world.Then I will introduce the meaning of it in detail.(绿叶鸟网 www.lvyeniao.cn)
  First of all,it has a major effect on the economy in our country,because the huge amount of people came to the host country for attending this nt,they are providinga a good opportunity for the dlopment of touri and some other related industries.
  Secondly, most people from different countries speak English fluently.English is a convenient tool to communicate.What important is improved the English international ll in colleage education,it will foster lots of excllent students to adapt the world's dlopment.
  Finally,there are lots of spotrs place after that nt.These places provide room for China's sports undertakings.For instance,many contest could be held in these place.And Chinese also take exersize there.

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