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作者:佚名     时间:2014-10-14     浏览:679    

  Most people have their own plans for the weekend, especially our students。 For example, when Wanla when homework! When cram schools, etc。, are included in the schedule。 Occasionally, of course, the plan will be broken, people do not often any brains scheme can not change fast。
  Of course, I am no exception。 Every Friday night, I caught the mother came home, his shoes, voids, and quickly put the package lists a weekend plan to, in order to play for a comr。 Often, I would think, if the learning so they must attack, so efforts to seize the moment, there is no need to worry good results? After the game had finished addiction, the mother began urging me homework, though only the span of a few minutes, my mother can not be let go。 Ten p。m。 to half past ten, is back English time after time to turn off the lights to sleep。
  Saturday morning, I usually wake up around 9:30。 Because of lack of normal sleep time, the mother nr asked me to get up early on Saturday。 About ten o'clock breakfast time, it was the most enjoyable time of my week, you can slowly savor ry delicious cuisine, really comfortable ah。 After dinner, Saturday morning running, I had to pay close attention to re-seize。 After a while fired off letters math was only able to complete。
  Lunch are often ready and Dad, this does not explain what that delicious dish burning Who the father? !
  Afternoon, I usually scheduled after the completion of all jobs in the teacher assigned, practice your calligraphy, and then back a few English words, there is time then to draw their favorite cartoon or see little interesting extracurricular books。 If that Saturday is indeed ample time, our family will go to the cinema to see a wonderl movie easily easily。
  We arrived on Sunday, I planned did not complete the good of all the subjects re-checking and correction, prepare for the next day to go to school。 This week, sick mother lying next to me, I'm at the table and reminiscing while thinking about writing this article。
  My weekend is so nervous, so lfilling, so too wonderl。

  The new concept, Mathematical Olympiad, Cambridge, essay……extracurricular classes looked stacks of posters, the heart can not wait to cut to pieces。
  "If you want a good newspaper anything?"
  Well, my mother coughs again "stir up trouble"。
  "No," I shook my head, "can not report this?"
  Newspaper? "Mother face long pull, seems to burst flurry ultimately, almost school, do not you know school exam? You like you can test out what results? I see you or go to sweep the streets…… "
  Again again, this pass, tired of all sick。
  "How do you so tired of what?" Wanted to listen to their own, but suddenly cried out, "Why did you give me your so much extracurricular classes, how can you not know at what ballet, piano, taekwondo, violin, comr it? "
  "It is okay for you!" Mom and earnestly taught me。
  My heart is a flame burning Oh, great, pouring a vat of gasoline。 "Good for me, good for me, you want to take my studies nerd right in modern society, not nerd, not only reading, but moral, intellectual, physical, the United States, labor-round dlopment the people! "thorough and mother decorum skin。
  "Well, the election five。" Mother's tone eased down。
  "Piano, Violin, comr, ballet, Mathematical Olympiad。"
  I did not kind of meaning。
  "Oh, only one main subjects?"
  "That's right。"
  "I think you will be reported to two!" Mother's tone rals dissatisfaction。
  "That's all right。" Compromise the mother reported two aspirations。
  In homework, I have been thinking, ah, think, ah……want when can back, spring go outdoors, sow the seeds of childhood; summer go to Hainan, jumped into the endless sea frolic; autumn and go to the garden, enjoy the ginkgo fruit taste of fantasy; winter to Jixian experience skating, skiing n!
  Think a carefree, lovely weekend!

  I ushered Saturday, I'm so happy。
  Why so happy?
  Finished the weekend because I can play on the comr to do the industry, so I am so happy。
  I am very happy ry weekend, How about you?

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