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醉酒驾驶英语作文:Drunken Driving

作者:佚名     时间:2015-09-02     浏览:686    

        It is commonly known thatdrunken driving is a taboo to drivers, for alcohol can penetrate into people's blood, affect their brain and lead to traffic accidents.Howr,many drivers today drive n when they are intoxicated, either for their personal habits or for business reasons.
        Drunken driving can be very disastrous.For one thing, it can bring about disasters to the victims, who are either killed or srely injured in the accidents.For another, it is harml to the driver himself, and the driver should at least be partly responsible for it.Further, drunken driving jeopardizes the security and stability of the society.
        There are many ways to reduce drunken driving.Firstly, there should be a provision in the law to prnt people from driving when they are drunk.Secondly, the mass media should also play a role in publicizing the hazards of drunken driving as well as in educating people to obey the traffic rules.Last but not least, the drivers should establish a strong sense of responsibility for others as well as for themselves. After all, life is the most important.


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