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作者:热心网友     时间:2011-12-28     浏览:830    

  At least one child was killed and millions were affected as typhoon Morakot slammed into Chinese provinces on the eastern coast on Sunday, destroying houses and inundating fars.
  Morakot landed in the coastal areas of Beibi Town, Xiapu County in Fujian Province, at 4:20 p.m., packing winds up to 118.8 kilometers per hour in its eye, the province's meteorological bureau said.
  The sky turned completely dark in Beibi and people caught in rainstorms staggered with flashlights on. Many trees were uprooted, with some n breaking apart in strong winds.
  Farmers were trying to recapture a sizeable quantity of fish flushed from mudflat aquafarms by uprising waves.
  In Fuzhou, capital of Fujian, 34 domestic flights were cancelled and 20 delayed because of unfavorable weather conditions. The city also suspended most passenger bus s.
  When I was ten years old, I met a typhoon. It really was a frightening typhoon. That ning was so dark. I still can't forget it. It was a rainy day. Although it was early, the sky was very dark. I was walking in the street with my mother. We were going home. The wind blew and strongly. We felt the difference. We started to run fast in order to go home in no time. But the wind was still faster than feet. Suddenly, lots of litter was blown away. The typhoon blew up.www.lvyeniao.cn
  We couldn't hold the umbrella. It was raining heavily and we were all wet. Cold and fright went through our bodies. The big trees began to shake. Leaves fell down. We couldn't breathe. The wind blew in our face.
  It was so sharp. I was afraid I would be blown away, too. I held my mother tightly. We tried our best to run. But we couldn't.I was excited because we were near our home. A few minutes later, we arrived home. "I am still alive," I said to myself happily. I saw the big typhoon through the window. "How strong the typhoon is! I want to be strong, too."

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