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网上红包英语作文:Online red envelope

作者:佚名     时间:2015-11-07     浏览:996    

        With the uprising of Internet, the biggest hightlight of the Spring Festival of the year of Horse is grabing red envelopes online .Wechat’s gaining popularity ed Tencent took a head start in the co at with Alibaba, the leader of internet payment. What’s behind this was the shrinking traditional customs: the Spring Festival Gala still ended up in the people’s critici n with the of Director Feng. What’s , fireworks were no longer welcomed by the people who’s awareness of environment protection kept increasing. People need a new custom to fill the blank.
        Grabing red envelopes on line attracted thousands of people to join in by it’s fast .Sadly, what young people who travelled a long distance to go back home did during the festival was not communicating with the elders but hold a cellphone all day along just in order to grab a red envelope and get some money. In the case, we can say maybe missing is better than seeing. Give a red envelope with money inside is a long history custom which represents a good with to the youngers from the elders and also like a amulet wishing the children a healthy and happy new year. Online red envelope is like resulted from the heat love between money and internet. It’s a carnival of materiali.

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上一个:抢红包英语作文:Red envelopes in APP
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