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The Internet互联网英语作文

作者:佚名     时间:2016-01-20     浏览:1001    

        Separated by a stretching spider web, a mounting numbers of citizens are surfing online, with the purpose of chatting with each other. And below the cartoon, there is an implicit caption which implies,"To be close to others and to be far away from them at the same time with the Internet."
        The intention of the picture is to subtly and symbolically depict the increasing dependence on the Internet in this modern age, which is sre with sral social problems  . On  one hand, convenience is reflected in the timely communication  and  the ample access to information shows its aantage that beyond doubt. On the other hand, conventional social intercourse is gradually displaced by virtual interaction, somehow leading to their ability to contact with people face to face descending.
        As the basic ysis mentioned above, appropriate attitude towards the Internet should be held in order to utilise it in an aantageous way. For instance, time limitation ought to be put into practice when seeking for s provided online in case those who are short of self-control get indulged. (绿叶鸟网 www.lvyeniao.cn)


  译文:用一张蜘蛛网隔开,一个越来越多的市民在网上冲浪,目的是与对方聊天。图下面,有一个隐含的标题,这意味着,“互联网可以同时接近别人或远离别人。”  这幅画的意图是微妙的和象征性的描述越来越依赖互联网的时代,这是与几个社会问题严重。一方面,便利性体现在及时沟通,充分获取的同时,也显示出它的优越性。另一方面,传统的社交活动正逐步被虚拟互动所取代,这导致了他们与人们面对面接触的能力。  正如上面提到的基本分析,应保持适当的态度,以利用它在一个有利的方式。例如,在寻求在网上提供服务的情况下,应将时间限制在网上提供,以防缺乏自我控制的人得到纵容。

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