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公共教育与家庭教育之比较英语作文:Homeschooling VS Public School

作者:佚名     时间:2016-04-25     浏览:902    

  Homeschooling or pubic school is an ongoing debate for quite a while. Whereas, opinion varies from person to person. Some people beli that homeschoolings have unmatched merits, while others claim state schools are of value in many aspects. By and large, there is probably some truth in both, whereas, I tend to the former one and chiefly reasons as follows.
  In the first place, homeschooling makes children learn effectively. Owing to neither do they complete homework of acquired knowledge nor tolorate bullies that of public school students. A case in point is the ese writer, Echo , who ped out due to being humiliated by her teacher, but gain literary achiments in her home.(绿叶鸟网 www.lvyeniao.cn)
  In the second place, homeschooled child is of character. It's on account of that they don't attempt to be like anyone elsewho has to fit in, while as state school students, we may alter personality simply to please others. What's worse, Chinese public schools cultivatation refers nothing but college entrance examination which only concentrates on grades. By way of contrast, homeschooling foster creative s of personality. Whereas, those who harbor the view that provided schools are superior state here're various activities and students meet up with beings of sorts, which is objective. Howr, as it is, students there contact primarily with teachers and schoolfellows, too over- protected to cope with complex society.
  Contrarily, kids, homeschooled ones, get in touch with men of different ages, origin and jobs and participate in activities in bigger stages. To sum up, home schooling has significant merits and parents are gradually turning to it. For all that, it's imperative to take child's and family's requirements into account. Either way, if that's maintained, then schooling mode is immaterial.

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