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Increasing Confidence

作者:佚名     时间:2016-07-05     浏览:809    

  Last weeek, I read a beautil and incentive article. The article talks about confidence. From this article, I learn a lot. I know confidence is very important for us. 
  The world is  changing rapidly and most people are very anxious about it. In fact,I think it might n be stronger and accurate to say that most people are downright fearl of what they see going on around them. This article let me know that keep confident is necessary for us to get success.Some of us fear failure, they think that they have no aandges and chances. So they do not try their best . Howr, If they are confident ,they may reach their goals .As an old saying goes, Practise makes perfect. Taking me for example,I once was a shy girl ,and I lack confidence ,I am not good at singing ,I am afraid of speaking . So I got auti. My mother ed me to go out from it. She  told me that confidence is the key to success. My mother couraged me to try it . With  the of my mother ,I tried my best to speak and sing . I am very happy that I improve my cofidence . Personal confidence is a skill that we can all dlope . In some ways , it is undoubtely the most important skill  we can dlope .(绿叶鸟网 www.lvyeniao.cn)
  Whatr chanllenges is currently in your life, know that it is there to you grow and expand. Use the problems  you encounter to you build your personal confidence . Remember ,you would not have the problem if you did not have the power to overcome it . Expanding your personal confidence will allow you to take on whatr you need to in order  to ifill your  personal  mission.

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