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An Unusual Experience

作者:陈佳     时间:2011-08-21     浏览:362    

    One day, I went to ski with my friend,Li Mei.We were playing happily on the ice when I heard a shout “Help”.I turned back and was surprised to see a boy falling into a ice hole.But neither of us could swim.So Li Mei and I ran to ask for .A few minutes later,a policeman came and pulled the boy out of the water. What an unusual experience it was!
    1)We were playing happily on the ice when I heard a shout,"Help".我们玩得正高兴,突然听到有人高喊“救命”。
    2) Neither of us could swim.我们俩人谁也不会游泳。
    3) ask for 求救

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