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Information and My Life

作者:佚名     时间:2010-09-25     浏览:994    
绿叶鸟网(www.lvyeniao.cn)原创整理的 > 考研英语作文   Information and My Life
    As you know, information plays an important role in our modern society. Ours is a society of information. I agree with him. In fact, information is expanding at an increasing rate. As a member of modern society, I am lly aware of the significance of information to my life. It affects nearly ry aspect of my life. Then how to obtain and deal with information seems to be of utmost importance.
    As for me, the first way to obtain information is to go to library. Our library is so large that it covers a wide range of subjects. Various kinds of information can be got in it. Information about society, economy, politics and sciences will give you a fresh mind. Of course, library isn’t the only source of information. I can learn much information by other means. Even when talking with my friends I can get a lot of usel information.
    But information is so immense that we haven’t ample energy and time to deal deeply with' it. Moreover, some of the information might not be true. So, how to select information is also significant to me. Listen to all, trust only three tenths. To obtain accurate information and to throw off the false part of it should be our goal.
    Information should be made ll use in my life. Right now, I try to use information mostly on my studies. When I get into society sral years later, information will probably become and important.

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