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抢红包英语作文:Grabbing red envelopes

作者:佚名     时间:2015-11-06     浏览:758    

        The main focus of attention during the Spring Festival in 2015 is undoubtedlly "Grabbing red envelopes".    
A large number of people joined the wave of grabbing red envelopes by touching screens and clicking mouses frantically.Even the host of the Spring Festival Gala couldn't but say "It is estimated that almost ryone is occupied in shaking their mobile phones for eletronic red envelopes.". 
        There is no denying that this activity has endowed the Spring Festival's atmosphere with the flavour of high-tech and n.
Howr,some people may be trapped in a situation where they put the cart before the horse.For elders,Spring Festival has been a time of family reunion.Unfortunately,things went contrary to their wishes.The young members are always fixing their eyes on the screen instead of communicating with them,which is quite disappointing.The young seem to ignore the connotation of the traditional festival.It was for the very reason that the elders think the Spring Festival's atmosphere began to decline.
        Network is a doubledged sword.We can make use of it to keep up to times,or relax ourselves.But all of us aren't supposed to sacrifice the time which should be otherwise spent together with our family due to the addiction to network.Anyhow,family is above anything  and we should value it a lot.

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上一个:平凡也美丽英语作文:Ordinary Is Beautil
下一个:席卷中国的“抢红包”英语作文:“Red envelope” fr swept China
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