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Will Touri Bring Harm to the Environment

作者:佚名     时间:2015-08-14     浏览:613    

  It is universally acknowledged that tour can make people feel happy; traveling is a good way to relax oneself. Tourist data shows that people in China made a great contribution to the world touri, and it’s and popular for people to go out for vocation. Though reports criticized that touri had brought harm to the environment, I still beli in the rising pace of touri.

  Well, there is no denying that at this moment, touri has caused some problem to the environment, but what I want to emphasize is that such damage are raised by people, as long as we improve the environmental consciousness of our citizens, as well as perfect the public facilities, such as adding dustbins to convenience tourists; building cafeterias to offer meals to them. I beli within a period of time, the situation can be relived.

  Environment itself also has the ability to recover itself. Years ago, when there were no so many tourists, and no industrial pollution, trees grew well, flowers elt good, sky was blue, water was clean. Why the nature seems so unnatural now? It must be our own problem, for we have took too much, but paid back too less. Think how we treat our land. It is really unfair.

  Just as I mentioned before, touri had brought great profit to our economic, whatr scenic spot it is, it must has the relationship with our land, our trees ,our water, etc., rything can’t separated from earth. So as you see, touri won’t bring harm to the environment, but ourselves.

  It is good for us to go out to feel different culture atmosphere, and to see different local conditions and customs, but remember, protect our nature resources.

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