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Should Teachers Make Their Lectures 

作者:佚名     时间:2010-09-25     浏览:660    
绿叶鸟网(www.lvyeniao.cn)原创整理的 > 英语四级作文   Should Teachers Make Their Lectures Interesting and Fun
   As to one criterion (标准) of good teaching, some people argue that teachers are responsible for their instruction interesting and enjoyable. Teaching means assisting and guiding rather than filling knowledge into a supposedly empty head. And knowledge is the wisdom, experience accumulated from people, by people and for peopleg Since knowledge is so human and interestingmwhy can't it be presented in an intimate and interesting way Ⅱ
   Howr, some people expressed their worries that instruction interesting and n may spoil the atmosphere necessary for serious learning. They are afraid that this type of "merry teaching" may be mile wide but inch deep. In a relatively loose mode (模式) of mament, both teachers and students favour "light" topics which can hardly go deeper. If theories and figures and other schoolbook materials are tedious and boring (枯燥乏味), should they be abandoned Ⅱ
   I definitely hold the idea that effective lectures should be first and foremost interesting ones. Since knowledge is acquired most in a natural and effective way, an enthusia for a subject can provide students with internal (内部的) and permanent motivation. An active researcher facilitator teacher (集研究、辅导、教学为一身的教师) will always find a way out faced with challenging tasks. Thus efficient teaching is a constant challenge for instruction that is stimulating, interactive and lively.
范文分析  本文作者恰如其分地把握了词汇、句法的文体意义和情感意义,显示了角色(者、反对者、作者)的鲜明立场。第一、二段遣词绵里藏针,造句精雕细刻,观点针锋相对。一、二段段尾句均使用反诘句,无疑增加了辩论的火味。准确措词、合理炼句使读者能身临其境地感受到双方唇枪舌剑的激烈程度。第二段以门始币终地穿插运用词组、短语见长。如动词短语、副词词组、介词短语、名词性词组、形容词词组等。伞文措词细腻具体,炼句生动活泼,大大增强了文章的说服力和感染力。

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