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抢红包英语作文:Red envelopes in APP

作者:佚名     时间:2015-11-06     浏览:171    

        It is no doubt that the most fashionable lucky money in 2015 is the red envelopes in all kinds of communication APP.
With the dlopment of information technology,our habits are also change. Teers choose to stay at home to play comrs or mobile phones don't want to go out, n though visiting relative to get lucky money can't make them leave home,too. Aiming at this phenomenon, QQ,WeiXin and the other communication tools released the activity of grabing red envelopes one after another in 2015. So, the new skill got, agers became crazy, they handed out red envelopes and waited to grabing other people's red envelopes.
As for grabing red envelopes in App, my own opinion is to support than against. Because using mobile phones we can send and receive red envelopes with the best wishes quickly,it shortens the distance of our communication. And in this New Year, my teacher had already initiated the activity of grabing red envelopes, no matter how much money my ctes and I grabed , we were all happy, because we got the best wishes from our teacher, so I think it is usel.
        Following the red envelopes in APP, one by one traps began to appear, so we must pay attention to some anormal red envelopes. But although you had been cheated, please let yourself happy and imagine the money just as a red envelope for cheater.
        All in all, I think red envelopes in app is a good way to people get lucky money with wishes.

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上一个:网上抢红包英语作文:Grab a Red Envelope Online
下一个:网上红包英语作文:Online red envelope
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