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Future of Newspapers

作者:佚名     时间:2010-09-25     浏览:615    
绿叶鸟网(www.lvyeniao.cn)原创整理的 > 大学英语作文   

Future of Newspapers
      Have yo lay in the sun, enjoying the entertainment of reading a newspaper? Have yo sat in an underground railway, killing your boring time by turning a newspaper? If you have made it, there is no doubt that you may not deny the importance of newspapers as a popular medium.
     The first reason underlying my judgment is that newspapers provide us with great convenience. Though the advent of electric media like televisions and comrs offer us another way to obtaining information, their generation by electricity circumscribes their uses indoors. On the other hand, newspapers may be carried wherr we intend to. In addition, their small size and light weight will surely spare our effort to take them.
     Another incomparable advantage of newspapers lies in their non-pollution. It may be said without fear of exaggeration that almost all those electronic media do harm to people's health.Take televisions for example:exposures to radiations, a kind of pollution, from them in the long run will undermine people's health, and especially for pregnant women. The radiation may n affect the baby to some extent.  The same case can also be found in comrs without any difficulty. Newspapers, by contrast, are made of natural materials. Therefore no pollution will be given off nor are people subjected to the risk of illness when they read a newspaper.
     It is true that electronic media also have some merits superior to newspapers. They can give us direct information, not only by words but by sounds and pictures as well. But regarding newspapers as a medium of past is an apparent understanding,far from the truth.
     According to what has been yzed above, newspapers have some exclusive advantages compared with other media,which affirm their popularity and will keep it on and on.

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